Monday, December 30, 2013

SMA Day 32 of 32 - Monday April 19 2010 – Oow, it’s 4 a.m. And time to say adios :-(

Antonio, our driver for the 90 minute ride to Leon Airport (BJX) was here promptly @ 4:30.   We had a nice chat all the way there talking about how nice a ride it is at that time of the day – no traffic.  Only worry is seeing, or worse yet, not seeing a stray dark colored burro, horse or cow on the road.  Luckily, only had one who was grazing on the side, not meandering in the middle of the road.

This time, no problem with our Aero México Connect flight to Mexico City.  On the trip to Leon, we were “evicted” from the plane.  Were told – although you have a seat pass for the flight, your e-ticket is not valid.  After a few hours of “evaluation” were allowed to board a flight about 4 hours later.  This made our airport stay about 10 hours.  Not too bad considering what I know others have had under situations, like weather and such.

Flight was nice and clear most of the way and got to see the variety of Mexico mountains and farmlands.  Just as beautiful from the air as it was walking around on the ground.  Got a small snack along the way, but found we were able to get a burger and mango smoothie later in Chili’s restaurant.  Looked around the cabin and saw people doing their usual games on handheld devices or watching movies on laptop computers.

Flight out of Mexico was on time and a smooth ride all the way to Detroit.  Made another new friend, Rudy, who sat across the aisle.  We were discussing some of the news from the newspaper made available from flight attendant – The News.  Published in Mexico City but worldwide in news coverage.  Very good. Rudy and his wife were just returning from a short stay on the coast.  Yes, the beaches are nice, but loved the weather and plants we could see at 6,500 feet altitude in SMA.

Got home after son, Chris, picked us up.  Decided though, maybe a stop at Antonio's restaurant for pizza was a nice end to the trip.  Although I snapped a photo of the sunset here, not the same as we left behind in Mexico.

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Adios – don Mariano