Monday, December 30, 2013

SMA Day 22 of 32 - Friday April 9 2010 – Bigger BOOM-BOOM

How would you like to hear the equivalent of an artillery barrage to wake you at 7 am? We did. First salvo – about 50 rounds. No war going on, only thought the neighbor was announcing his birthday. After a sporadic “booming” for the next hour, decided to go back to Chaplo Santa Cruz for Catholic mass with Father or better Fray José Guadalupe.

Once I get there see the source of fireworks was the church! One of the special saints for the parish was being celebrated. Instead of the usual 10 or so who attended, the 80 seats inside were filled with people filling the aisle ways and out the doors – which is where I ended up.

All thru the mass the barrages continued at specific times. Start of mass. Then the Gospel. Next the Consecration of water and wine, Then Communion. With the biggest 100 bombs at the end.

Most of the 200+ people were happy to be there – on a Friday yet!

I come back for breakfast and report to Carol what I saw. We then go downtown to pick up laundry and some snacks. Thinking we might go to Mexico City for weekend for tour – hopes are dashed since only 4 people sign up. The cancel with less than 6 :-(

Went for lunch @ Café Monet and talked with Bill, the owner. He wondered why Telmex had shut off his phone? I found out later the Mexican government had required all cell phones users to register data that links them to their phone. If not done by TODAY, your service is shut off. They claim this will help eliminate extortion and drug trafficking. Let’s hope so. Also met one of my Casa Liza “neighbors”, Marvin. He came because I had said how good the food was/is?

From there, back home to meet Carol who went shopping. Took more photos of the public washing site. Nobody washing at the time. With over 40 tubs available, no waiting Water comes in via the uphill spring. Most cases I see the finished laundry drying on the nearby shrubs.

As I got closer to Casa Liza noticed the snowy egrets had returned to the nests. And... Because of all the booms, decided to drop some “bombs” of their own. Note the roof of the red truck and the nearby wall!

When Carol returned, we took walk to city square garden, called the Jardin. Great people watching. Kids playing, vendors selling anything and everything. A short while later saw an elderly couple cross the street near us. Since he had a cane, suggested he sit on our bench and join us. Found out that Katherine and Jim were from Santa Fe NM. Had be coming to SMA for over 3 decades. Since Jim was too ill to come last year, thought it better to rent a room in downtown hotel rather than get a house as they had for this visit.

We had quite a chat. Found out both were in the US diplomatic corps and been to a dozen countries. The could not understand all the fuss about what was going on at the US-Mexico border with the drug oriented focus. They feel once you get farther down where we are, it is a great place to be. Even with their short stay of 8 days, said – we just have to come here and feel relaxed among the Jacaranda trees and wonderful people.

We feel the same. On way back, stopped at snack shop/wine store. Carol says that Guadalupe is our sommelier and suggests wheat wines go good with relaxing – all of them :-)

Buenos noches...

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Adios – don Mariano