Monday, December 30, 2013

SMA Day 3 of 32 – Sunday March 21 2010 – Nuestro Seńor de la Columna

North of the US – Mexico border – Holy Week lasts from Palm Sunday until Easter Sunday. Here in SMA, Mexico, it starts and ends with a procession with the Lord of the Column - Nuestro Seńor de la Columna. The life-size statue of Christ is led by a procession of thousands of people from the little church in the town of Attontonilco, 12 kilometers away – to the San Juan de Dios church. The events was started over 200 hundred years ago.

I won’t go into too much detail – although I have tried to read much about the significant events that will happen for over two weeks, and end with the Wednesday after Easter when Nuestro Se
ńor de la Columna is returned to it’s special place in the church in Atotonilco.

I was awestruck by the people who made the trek in the middle of the night to arrive in SMA around 7 am. The “pilgrims” were men, women and children. Some looked like they barely could walk without the aid of 2 canes, but still made the walk to show reverence and devotion to Christ who they believed led them to salvation though his passion and death.

Make note of the few pictures of the “procession carpets” made the night before. Very large “works of art and heart” that will be destroyed when the pilgrims march though. After the crowd of over 10,000 celebrated a Catholic mass @ 8 am, the cleaners were already at work cleaning up what was there on the street.

The groups that arrange the events are made up of many “Hermanodads,” or brotherhoods and ladies sodalities. As you can imagine, the plans are made months in advance.

I left, a very humble person. My first chance to not only observe, but to participate on the many events that will take place over the next 2 weeks.

Almost forgot to add – you are “alerted” to all events, religious and civil through the use of church bells and fireworks – all times of day and night. I was awakened at 5 a.m. To start the day and meet the pilgrims on their way. So when you hear the fireworks – at times what seems like minutes long and thousands (not kidding) of explosions, you know a significant event – birth, death, holiday, whatever festival. You will be “alerted!”

The next major religious event is Friday, March 26 – Our Lady of Sorrows.

View all photos:

Today's photos @

Days 1 to 22 @

Days 23 to 33 @ 

Adios – don Mariano