Monday, December 30, 2013

SMA Day 15 of 32 - Friday April 2 2010 – Viernes Santo – Holy Friday

We participated in the Via Crucis – Way of the Cross in Colonia San Luis Rey about 3 miles north of us. The Passion re-enactment of the Stations of the Cross starts at the town church and proceeds 2 kilometers to Montes de Loreto. Jesus pulls a 130 pound cross over rocky or dirt road. He is followed by the 2 thieves who are bound to cross bars of the crosses they will be placed on. The procession lasted over 2 hours and was a very visual display of what happened. As the whipping was going on, you could hear both adults and children cry as though they perceived as as actually happening at this time.

Once we got to the hill where the crosses were raised, you could see a person representing Judas hanging from a tree for almost 45 minutes before being let down – too real for my senses.

I’ll let the photos tell the rest.

Afterwards, Carol and I walked down the dusty road to return to town. There must have been well over a thousand people who walked the entire route. We were blessed to have the opportunity to be part of this.

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Days 1 to 22 @

Days 23 to 33 @ 

Adios – don Mariano