Monday, December 30, 2013

SMA Day 29 of 32 - Friday April 16 2010 – How do you spell Fiesta?

I would say; f-u-n. Others here might say; S-a-n-M-i-g-u-e-l

We came here two years ago because we heard from a friend, George O. Jackson, that San Miguel de Allende is the city of festivals; both sacred and profane.

We came four weeks ago to experience the sacred festival – Semana Santa – the holy period during Jesus’ passion on the cross and resurrection. The events lasted over two and a half weeks. Like the resurrection, the season of Spring is a time of renewal. Fragrant flowers bloom and fill the air with sweet smells. For me, the sweet smell is pan dulce – sweet bread.

Carol & I started the day with a walk up our side street – del Chorro. It climbs nearly straight up from washer-woman plaza, up to Real Queretaro. The road to the city of Queretaro about 40 miles away. A few weeks back, I said it was like climbing a ladder with 500 rungs. Come to find out it is “only” 327 very steep stairs!

We meandered about looking at everything that will be just a dream or photo in a few days – people, places and the blooming beauty. By the time we are back in Michigan, it should be time to get plants of our own in the ground and enjoy some of this all over again.

As the day came to the dusk period, thought maybe I would walk outside to enjoy the sunset. I find in the washer-woman plaza a 10 piece colonially dressed band ready for? First I thought it a wedding, since several have happened at the Casa Sierra Nevada facility adjacent to the plaza. Come to find out is is another of the festivals – forgot the name, but not the fun. The burro has two backpacks filled with wine bottles. One man is designated as the sommelier and keeps everyone in the group, glass filled with libation.

About 50 of us joined the 5 neighborhood parade to the city center Jardin. Once there, found even more events going on. In front of the big pink parish church – The Parrochia – there were about 200 people doing the “Zumba.” A dance-exercise event lead by a person trained in the “special” moves to work the body and make you smile. I’ll try to get an internet connection long enough to upload a video to show this. From mambos to Irish step dancing – 2 kewl.

Once that finished, there were about 5 mariachi bands stationed around the corners of the Jardin. All trying to compete for your attention. Needless to say, it drew a crowd of thousand to celebrate what else – Friday! TGIF fiesta?